Knowledge is Power, but Power is NOT Knowledge.
He who has all the Power, but little or no Knowledge, will lose the Power as he uses it.
Whoever possesses all Knowledge, but little or no Power, he will obtain it as he uses it.
Power is the ability to use energy and force to Create and/or Destroy.
Using little, false or no Knowledge of the true nature of things and ignoring the purposes and plans of the organization concerning all life, those without Awareness who use Power will surely create destruction and/or destroy creation. This is well observable in the highest levels of the planetary governments of the Old Civilization.
On Earth, balancing and far exceeding the small percentage (2 or 3%) of people who have the mental derangement of "Power without Knowledge", there are the millions and millions of people who have the Knowledge of Life, the truth of what it takes to survive, the duty and loyalty of their family and friends, and the trust that others will trade, work, and play as pleasantly, honestly, and amicably as they do themselves. These millions, billions of people (about 97% of the Earth's population) are the source of all good things and the survival components of a civilization.
So why is the Old Civilization in such poor shape? Because the Power that the insane 2-3% are using is continually given to them by the 97%.
It is given in the form of financial energy (taxes), controlling power (obeying those who suppress or destroy freedom and initiative), and trust (electing those who take the fun out of the games of life to maintain and gain more Power for themselves).
This Power is given to them and the unhealthy actions are not stopped by the 97% because:
- they believe that there is no alternative and that
- they are not organized, so
- they don't recognize that they are the greatest source of Power on the planet and that
- they themselves are the source of ALL the suppressive Power that has been used and is being used against them, and that
- they could take away 2-3% Power at any time just by NOT giving it to them anymore.
Note: It is an observable fact that even some of the Power given to the 2-3% HAS BEEN USED to poorly and accurately educate the remaining 97% in not having the Knowledge of points 1., 2., 3., 4. and 5
The New Civilization knows that:
- You have the power.
- You have freedom.
- You have resolutions.
- You have the knowledge of how to play the game.
- You have the right to your personal health and not to give consent to unhealthy uses of Power.
- You have the right to leave any game you don't like, take your Power, Knowledge and Purpose with you to join another game, start a new one or not play at all.
- You CAN join the New Civilization Game if you choose to play.
- And if you decide to play, you - and EVERYONE on this planet - WILL WIN.