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WHB - World Health Board
Myriam Bettinelli
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WHB - World Health Board

Who We Are

The WHB - World Health Board is a non-profit making international non-governmental organization based in Zurich, Switzerland, having pivotal humanitarian and scientific aims, with activities such as research, study, information, consultation, promotion and services, and deep interests in the eight sectors of human development to which the general objective of the Project WHB refers: Healthcare; Education; Human rights; Ecology; Spirituality; Culture; Economy; Free time.

The WHB Project intends to act in the short term (2-4 years), but its impact, sustainability and effects are present in the long term. In strategic choice, the WHB is able to put itself in a long-term perspective and make decisions keeping in mind the situation that it would like to create in several years’ time. The WHB pursues the motto: “Broad Vision, Narrow Action”.

Delivering the full scope of the WHB vision will be a multi-year program of work, so it is necessary to prioritise the rollout of the various projects required to establish the full range of activities.  The initial priorities will include establishment of the structure and deliverables for Health Services, as well as building and launching the ’Mixed Payment System’ that will ensure all people can access the health services that they need. 
The full program of work will be allocated into numerous Projects, each delivering a defined scope of work within each of the eight sectors listed above. For each project there will be a Feasibility Study phase (to research and analyze specific requirements and prepare detailed project plan and budget) and an Execution phase (to deliver the plan within the approved budget once funding has been secured).

All the WHB Healthcare Services will be delivered by the WHB Global Health Alliance (GHA) National Bureau, through its Local Bureaux and associated Units and Sub-Units.  

The GHA - Global Health Alliance is an internal body of the WHB that deals exclusively with the coordination and management of the Health sector. Its role is to coordinate the prevention and intervention actions necessary to maintain Health on an international scale, operating on two levels:

  • NATIONAL, through its offices in the various nations of the WHB partner associations (e.g. GHA-UK, GHA-USA, GHA-D, etc.), proposing itself as a new model of holistic healthcare spread across the territory, i.e., the GHA-NNHS (where NNHS stands for: New National Health System);
  • WORLDWIDE, proposing itself at the level of its Member States’ Governments as an alternative to the WHO monopoly (GHA-WW). 

The WHB-GHA NNHS pursues this vision through provincial activities, planning, strengthening, and adding value to existing territorial associations and health services.

The WHB has decided to start solving the problem of "scarcity" of money by introducing the Mixed Payment System for its services and its Members’ services, and spreading broadly worldwide the knowledge about the basic EXCHANGE and SOLVENCY economic principles, so as to free more and more people from the stranglehold of money in the hands of bankers.

Different payment methods offered to the public registered with the WHB Services. The WHB wants to give every Member access to every kind of goods and services in each sector (i.e. in the health sector: specialistic visits, cures, laboratory & diagnostic tests, treatments, therapies, products for health and well-being, health insurance), by providing him and her the possibility to decide the method of payment choosing between: 

  • money in current currency; 
  • % equivalent in complementar currency; 
  • % equivalent in Barter products; 
  • % equivalent of Time Bank Credits for Services; 
  • Variable combinations of the different modes.

Complementary Currency, Time Banking and Bartering from WHB Members will be transformed into WHB CREDITS (that are representative of the WHB EXCHANGE POWER) in the WHB Local Bureau.

Thanks to this “innovative” but very old payment system, WHB aims to bring healthcare, treatment and wellness, healthy food and ethical products, to everyone worldwide and, above all, to act in every State at the welfare level, freeing people from the “Élites’ money”.


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World Health Board – WHB
Ankenweid 29 – 8041 Zürich
WHB Project source:
Mrs. Myriam Bettinelli
Mr. Georg Della Pietra
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